We the American people has a voice and Obama, McCain and Reid need to listen to us. We listen to them for two years during the presidential campaign and we spoke at the election. Now they need to listen to how we feel about illegal immigration and immigration reform. They owe that much to us.

This is our country and we want a country intact with sufficient natural resources for our children and grand-children.

I believe I speak for million of Americans when I say;

No amnesty or path. to citizenship for 20 million illegal aliens.
No more Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens.
Enforce all our immigration laws
Sign the E-Verify agent into law.

We are most concern with the crime, drugs and gang activity that comes with illegal immigration that is taking over the country. There is a state of emergency crisis in cities like Phoenix and Tucson. The cost of educating children of illegal aliens, cost of health and dental care, for the out of control births, etc and cost to law enforcement, incarcerations and legal system. Paid for by the American taxpayer.

Our hospital emergency rooms and county dental and health care clinics are occupies by 95% of illegal aliens and their children, free or at a discount paid by the American taxpayer. This is asking way too much of the taxpayer who is struggling with health care and education for their children and for themselves.
We don’t want this to be about race, but it is because the above is mostly Hispanic and they make it about racism.
There are three major crisis that the country is facing and they are the wars, the economy and illegal immigration.
Nothing good can come to this country with immigration reform. Illegal immigration and amnesty has no place in the future of America.

This is about “illegal aliensâ€