To whom it may concern,

As a lifelong Republican voter and the wife of a lifelong Republican voter I felt it was necessary to send you one final correspondence.

The first vote I ever made was for Ronald Regan. I remember being so proud to cast that first vote. Since that time I have voted loyally and consistently for Republicans. I have campaigned for the Republicans and I have contributed financially. Over the years my pride in being a Republican has diminished gradually until this year when it was fully destroyed in a few swift moves.

I voted for Ronald Regan twice and both times with great pride. I voted for President Bush Sr. once with great hope and a second time with reservations. I voted for our current president the first time with great reservation and the second time with absolute reluctance. I voted while holding my nose and it felt awful. I did it to support the other Republicans who were holding office in the congress and the senate.

But this year has been the final straw for me.
This insidious immigration reform bill, which is a slap in the face to every American, which I have been fighting against,
The constant pandering to the Hispanic lobby and a President who accuses Americans of being afraid of diversity and not wanting what is best for our country,
the California GOP hiring an H1B visa holder from Canada to be the campaign manager and making no apologies,
and the final insult coming from Trent Lott today in saying the talk radio is running the country and we need to deal with it. I have finally come to understand that I did not leave my party. My party has left me.

I can no longer support the polices and direction of the Republican party.
And so, it is with a great deal of sadness but no regret that I part ways with what was once the Grand Old Party but is now a sad, shallow shadow of itself. The Republican party no longer represents me and no longer speaks to the best interest of the American people or my family.

You have left your base. I hope the new constituents you are now courting will be there for you and were worth the sell out of the fine Americans who sent you to DC to represent us and have been discarded like yesterday's trash.

And, as I have learned, my voice does not matter to you.
My vote is not important to you.
And so I am replaceable and dispensable to you.
I feel betrayed by this administration and by this party.

Do not contact me for support in the future.
Do not expect my votes in the future.

As far as I am concerned, this party has been destroyed and forever damaged. I hope whatever gains you may have made through your decisions to cast aside your base was worth it to you.

You made a mistake in thinking that you could court a new base while taking the old base for granted. You made a mistake in thinking that no matter what we would remain because we had no other options. You made a mistake in abusing our loyalty and our Americanism. You have made a terrible mistake. You will someday understand that you have been used and you have lost everything. I will not be there to help you pick up the peices. My husband and I are moving on.

Today we part ways.
A disillusioned American.