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Get the word out! Real ID Hearing in Scranton PA THIS WEEK!

"Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito", Latin, which translated means "do not give in to evil but proceed ever more boldly against it." -- Publius Vergilius Maro (Virgil)

Subject: [VIDEO] Get the word out! Real ID Hearing in Scranton PA THIS WEEK!

ATTENTION supporters of constitutional limits on government, civil libertarians, 911 truth activists, and other lovers of freedom:

If you have ANYONE in your e-mail who lives in Pennsylvania, have them watch this short video, and join us in Scranton to fight against Real ID. A public hearing is coming up THIS WEEK! We must have good presence at this hearing to send a STRONG message in support of HB 1351 & SB 1220 against this ridiculous invasion of our religious and civil liberties.

Thurs, 5-0-08, University of Scranton, Redington Hall (Collegiate Room); 1120 Linden Street; Scranton, PA 18510

VIDEO: http://www.restoretherepublic.com/compo ... nk/id.720/

The video editing is well done, it teaches what Real ID is all about, how it is coming home to roost in Pennsylvania, and exactly what must be done to STOP IT COLD. It also shows the Harrisburg battle that has been on-going for nearly a year now.

Anyone who cannot make it to the hearing should:

Find YOUR state legislators (House and Senate members) by visiting the state web site, plugging in your zip code and collect their phone numbers. http://www.legis.state.pa.us/ (Look for the zip code box in the upper right corner of the front page.)
Contact them IMMEDIATELY requesting that they ATTEND the hearing in Scranton on Real ID (Thurs, May . This hearing is being hosted by the House Intergovernmental Affairs Committee (who is currently sitting tight on HB 1351 that would KILL Real ID in PA).
In addition, other "married" legislation that is in the IGA committee sitting dormant are HB 194 and HR 278. These would disconnect Social Security Numbers from all state licensing requirements and send a message to congress against the North American Union, respectively.
When speaking to your state legislators (House members), request that they IMMEDIATELY co-sponsor HB 1351, HB 194, and HR 278! When speaking to a Senator, request that they sign on to the companion Senate bill against Real ID (SB 1220).

Also, remember to join us each week (Tues. evenings @ 7:30 EDT) for our strategic conference call. Guest speakers, leadership training, legislative action highlights from the previous week, and planning for the upcoming battles for 911 truth, against Real ID & more! (We are joined regularly by Restore the Republic, the National Veterans Committee on Constitutional Affairs, the Bill of Rights Defense Committee, the ACLU's Real Nightmare project, and other coalition partners.) Dial in @ 724-444-7444 (call ID = 14259#).

Join the battle, distribute literature in targeted legislative districts, and become part of our activist team! In PA, contact James R. Compton, III (RTR State Coordinator) via e-mailcomptonjr@comcast. net or phone (202-904-2174 x816) to plug into the network. Another hearing is coming soon in ERIE PA, so whether you are central, east, or west, WE NEED YOU NOW!

Patriot-former members of the American Armed Services are being recruited for leadership roles in our state capitols. If you can help in any way, e-mail aaron@nvcca.net for more info.

Permission granted (and encouraged) to cross post and circulate this memo among newsgroups, blogs, message boards, etc.