They are public servants that serve them self.
Someone posted a comment about the economy and illegal immigration
We all know that illegal immigration hurts all of us a lot but it is just one factor
Our Country fought England for the right to exist we wanted to worship the way we wanted to we wanted to be free of high taxation.
And now we are facing the same thing our forefather faced .
And then some… I hear people talking about how much they hate the oil companies well it’s not really them Exxon did make 30 billion in profit but did you know that they were taxed 41 billion?? And to make matters worse the government felt they needed to tax them another 18 billion. Then they tax you at the pumps they could care less how high gas goes up because then they make more money with out over head, they say we need to double ethanol.
We can not afford to feeds cows anymore and produce food because of that .
And illegal immigration they can care less if they are here why for many reasons 1 is that all the ones that make up a fake SSN add to the pile of money they would like to call social security to the tune of around 8 billion dollars.
Rome fell because the end justified the means. Another words it did not matter how they got rich or how they paid for what as long as they could tax
More and more they did not care how they got there money to do what they wanted to do. Until everything fell apart such as there economy and there citizens. Even our local politicians look the other way when it comes to illegal immigration because there is money to be made so they think it dose not matter to them as long as they have lifetime medical benefits and a great pension.
I believe that IF we can push back illegal immigration and deport as many illegal immigrants as we can that we may or might be able to show our Government that we the people mean business. And we then have a great opportunity to save this country for our Children , Please keep fighting .
Stand up speak out and let other know we will not give up with out a fight.