A Great non-answer!

Dear Friend:

Thank you for contacting me to express your opposition to any guest-worker or earned legalization program and your support for immigration law enforcement. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

The current discussion of guest worker programs takes place against a backdrop of historically high levels of unauthorized migration to the United States. Supporters of a large-scale temporary worker program argue that such a program would help reduce unauthorized immigration by providing a legal alternative for prospective foreign workers. Critics maintain that a new guest worker program would likely exacerbate the problem of illegal migration by encouraging even large numbers of foreign workers to seek employment in the United States.

However, the consideration of any proposed guest worker program raises a number of issues, including how the eligible population would be defined. Any new guest worker proposal would also have to state whether the program would include a mechanism for participants to obtain permanent resident status; how family members of eligible individuals would be treated; what labor market test the program would employ; whether the program would be numerically limited; how the rules and requirements of the program would be enforced; and what security-related provisions would be included.

The size of the current resident unauthorized alien population in the United States, along with continued unauthorized immigration and related deaths at the U.S.-Mexico border, are major factors cited in support of a new temporary worker program. At the same time, the importance of enforcing immigration law and not rewarding illegal aliens with any type of legalized status are primary reasons cited in opposition to such a program. It would seem that some bridging of this gap on the unauthorized alien question -- perhaps in some of the areas analyzed above -- would be a prerequisite to gaining broad support for a guest worker proposal.

As you know, there is currently a bill pending in the Senate, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 that would create a temporary guest worker program and a pathway to earned legalization for millions of undocumented aliens currently living in the United States. This is a very divisive issue, and my office continues to hear from constituents with varying viewpoints.

I understand the deep concern you have over this issue. The best answer to addressing illegal immigration is full and effective enforcement of our nation's immigration laws. I will keep your thoughts and concerns in mind as Congress discusses immigration policy and will work with my colleagues to ensure that we enforce our immigration laws.

Thank you again for writing to me on this issue. If I can be of any additional assistance, please contact me at 503-326-2901 or 800-422-4003. If you would like to receive regular email updates from me, please go to my website at www.house.gov/wu to sign up.

With warm regards,

David Wu
Member of Congress