Read this and you will know more about the Constitution than any member of Congress. Feel free to educate them, especially about item #17:
How well do you know the U.S. Constitution?
By Laura Ginsberg
Published: Friday, September 21, 2007 10:58 PM CDT ... edit02.txt

Monday was Constitution Day, marking the 220th birthday of the signing of the United States Constitution.

To celebrate the occasion, The John Birch Society, an organization founded in 1958 dedicated to restoring and preserving freedom under the Constitution, has released a 24-question Constitution quiz so Americans may test their knowledge of the most important document in our country’s history.

The quiz was created by John F. McManus, president of The John Birch Society and 40-year student and defender of the Constitution.

So, my challenge to you is to take the quiz and see how much you know about a document that still stands strong after more than two centuries. I got 13 out of 24 correct. How well can you do? Answers to the questions can be found at the end of the quiz.


1. Has the Constitution always guided the country?

2. Does the Constitution allow the Supreme Court to make law?

3. Does the Constitution allow the President to make law?

4. Does the Constitution give the federal government any power in the field of education?

5. Where in the Constitution is there authorization for foreign aid?

6. What are the three branches of government named in the Constitution?

7. Does the Constitution require a minimum age requirement for a Senator?

8. What are the Constitutional requirements for a person to be President?

9. Did the Constitution give the federal government power to create a bank?

10. Can treaty law supersede the Constitution?

11. Does the Constitution allow a President alone to take the nation to war?

12. Are there any specific crimes mentioned in the Constitution?

13. Are the Bill of Rights considered part of the original Constitution?

14. According to the Constitution, how can a President and other national officials be removed from office?

15. What authority does the Constitution give the Vice President?

16. How many amendments to the Constitution are there?

17. Does the Constitution say anything about illegal immigration?

18. Does the Constitution tell us how new states are added to the union?

19. How is an amendment to the Constitution added?

20. Is the term of a President limited by the Constitution?

21. Which part of Congress is designated by the Constitution as having the “power of the purse?â€