Patrick J Buchanan, I dare you to show me a goofy hippie marshmallow online who will try to denounce me as racist. I EAT THESE little marshmallows for ma suppa! They go good with bannannas!
You just dont know how to argue with them. Anyone have Marshmallow messageboards with Lib kooks, let me at them...they run for cover when I'm done...

State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America

How illegal immigration threatens every American:

Fact: our illegal population today is greater than the total number of Irish, Jewish, and British immigrants who ever came to the U.S.
Why the reigning Republicans ignore the law and do little or nothing to stop illegal immigration
How mass immigration inevitably tilts the center of gravity of American politics to the Left
How the numbers of Americans of European descent are rapidly decreasing — and the political and social implications
Eurabia on the rise: the devastating consequences of unrestricted immigration in Europe
How Los Angeles today provides a glimpse of what all of America will be like in 2050
An “American creed”? Why those who believe that the ideas of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Gettysburg Address hold us together as a nation are distorting or reinventing history
Why Mexico’s President Fox has done nothing to help secure the U.S.-Mexican border — and has actually abetted the invasion of the U.S. by millions of illegal aliens
The decisive step that the Mexican government took in 1998 toward building a potent political machine within the United States
Fact: not only are arguments about the economic benefits provided by illegal aliens false, but illegal immigration also constitutes a massive drain on our economy
The Mexican War is not over: its deep impact on contemporary immigration politics
Why importing a vast diaspora from a neighboring nation so different from our own is such a hellish risk
How the United States Government threw up its hands and abdicated its constitutional duty to protect the states from invasion by illegal aliens over four decades ago
Why it is difficult, if not impossible, for cities to get control of the growing crime menace of immigrants and illegal aliens
Latin elites that are doing everything they can to prevent the assimilation of Mexican immigrants into American culture
John F. Kennedy and immigration: how, in 1991, the U.S. took in twelve times more immigrants than what JFK stated in the early 1960s as an acceptable annual limit
Bush’s guest worker plan: how it provoked a surge to the border
How, as Republicans dither, some Democrats are beginning to see the potency among voters of the illegal immigration issue
How, rather than fading away, issues of nationality long considered dead are resurfacing today
Why so many children of Asian-American and Hispanic immigrants are assimilating into a deadly subculture of gangs and crime
How even conservatives now routinely denounce as “racist,” “nativist“ and “xenophobic” anyone who argues that mass migration from the Third World risks disuniting and even destroying America
How we must recapture control of immigration policy from politicians paralyzed by fear of ethnic lobbies and cultural contributors, or immobilized by ideology
Why ideology and democracy are not enough to save America — and what we need most now to trump the call of ethnicity