Hunter Position on Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants: "No, Period."

Presidential candidate Congressman Duncan Hunter today reaffirmed his long-held position that as President he will not support any legislation that provides drivers licenses for illegal immigrants. In recent weeks, Senator Hillary Clinton has stated that she was both for and against providing drivers licenses to those here illegally, with her latest decision falling on the same day that New York Governor Eliot Spitzer announced that he was abandoning his controversial plan to issue licenses to undocumented immigrants.

"This is not a subject that our political leaders should be going back and forth on," stated Hunter. "All aspects of combating illegal immigration are important, but the ramifications are higher when we are discussing areas where opportunities are actually being created for those illegally in our country to be provided with a form of identification accepted nation wide.

"At tonight's Democratic debate, I expect Senator Clinton to once again state her position on this important issue based on who is in the audience and what they will like to hear. I disagree with that philosophy and I believe it is simply irresponsible. Voters should have a clear understanding where the candidates stand on this important issue. With me, people know where I stand and they know that just as I have always opposed providing driver licenses for illegal immigrants, I will continue to do so as President."

During his 27 years in Congress, Hunter has consistently voted against providing any forms of benefits to those who illegally enter the United States and he is a current cosponsor of two pieces of legislation prohibiting providing drivers licenses to illegal immigrants:

H.Res. 800- a resolution stating that that States should not issue driver's licenses or other government-issued photo identification to aliens who are unlawfully present in the United States.

H.R. 4160- legislation withholding highway funds from those states which issue a driver's license or identification card to illegal aliens.

Hunter has consistently emphasized the need to strictly enforce our immigration laws, rejected all calls for amnesty and is the author of the Secure Fence Act, passed by Congress and signed by President Bush last October, establishing 854 miles of double fence along the smuggling routes of California, Arizona and Texas. ... -Wire.html