Friends of ALIPAC,

We ask that all ALIPAC supporters immediately contact your members of the US Senate by phone with a written follow-up to express your opposition to Obama's nomination of Sonia Sotomayor for US Supreme Court.

Sonia Sotomayor is a member of the racist group La Raza (The Race). The formal name of the group is NCLR or National Council of La Raza. This brown supremacist group supports amnesty for illegal aliens, taxpayer welfare benefits, in-state tuition, and driver licenses for illegal aliens.

The suggestion by Sonia Sotomayor that racial viewpoints should affect the decision of judges is contrary to the Rule of Law and many other American principles involving fairness in our courts.

Sotomayor has made at least one highly racist comment we know of so far.... "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

This kind of brown supremacist or Hispanic supremacist ideology would be a disgrace on the bench of the US Supreme Court. This kind of overt racism would not be tolerated if a white person made the same comments.

We cannot have equality under the law if the top judges in the land engage in subjective decisions based on racist politics instead of the law without emotion.

Please access ALIPAC's US Senate Contact Directory and call then write your Senators Immediately to oppose Obama's pick of Sonia Sotomayor for Supreme Court! You should also contact your local talk radio shows to express your opposition as well.

If Sonia Sotomayor is placed on the US Supreme Court that will be the day that a known Hispanic Supremacist is put in a position of power and judgment over all Americans.

ALIPAC's Contact Information for the US SENATE and HOUSE

Sample message
"I am calling to ask Senator _______ to oppose the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court because of her racist comments and affiliations with racist groups like La Raza.

We ask that all ALIPAC supporters immediately contact your members of the US Senate by phone with a written follow-up to express your opposition to Obama's nomination of Sonia Sotomayor for US Supreme Court.

Sonia Sotomayor is a member of the racist group La Raza (The Race). The formal name of the group is NCLR or National Council of La Raza. This brown supremacist group supports amnesty for illegal aliens, taxpayer welfare benefits, in-state tuition, and driver licenses for illegal aliens.

The suggestion by Sonia Sotomayor that racial viewpoints should affect the decision of judges is contrary to the Rule of Law and many other American principles involving fairness in our courts.

Sotomayor has made at least one highly racist comment we know of so far.... "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

This kind of brown supremacist or Hispanic supremacist ideology would be a disgrace on the bench of the US Supreme Court. This kind of overt racism would not be tolerated if a white person made the same comments.

We cannot have equality under the law if the top judges in the land engage in subjective decisions based on racist politics instead of the law without emotion.

Please access ALIPAC's US Senate Contact Directory and call then write your Senators Immediately to oppose Obama's pick of Sonia Sotomayor for Supreme Court! You should also contact your local talk radio shows to express your opposition as well.

If Sonia Sotomayor is placed on the US Supreme Court that will be the day that a known Hispanic Supremacist is put in a position of power and judgment over all Americans.

Also, please read and distribute our press release

ALIPAC Opposes Hispanic Supremacy on Supreme Court!

More info from World Net Daily

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Ad majorem Dei gloriam
nation because she supports radical agendas such as amnesty, welfare, licenses, and in-state tuition for illegal aliens."

Also, please read and distribute our press release

ALIPAC Opposes Hispanic Supremacy on Supreme Court!

More info from World Net Daily

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Ad majorem Dei gloriam