Every day we read more and more about states, counties and cities passing laws and getting training to enforce immigration law. Many of these states and municipalities have been known for turning a blind eye and enabling illegal immigration. Their jails fill, police are overburdened, medical facilities go bankrupt and citizens revolt against paying taxes for illegal immigrants.

They are not passing these laws and cooperating with law enforcement because they suddenly got a conscience. It's because they realized that unfettered illegal immigration comes with huge problems.

Here's where I need help, are the folks that are dealing with these problems communicating with legislators in DC? You know there are problems when the likes of Rick Perry of Texas and super liberal legislators in Oregon are creating legislation dealing with illegal immigration.

Do the Senators and Congressman talk to the law makers in their home states? When they get behind stupid legislation like amnesty, do they really not consider what it will do to their consituents? Am I missing something? It seems like states are going in the opposite direction of the Feds.

Should we be contacting our more accessible state legislators asking them to work on DC or is that ineffective? Someone who has worked on this for a while, help me connect the dots.
