Given the deletion of my messages about the history of racial separatism in the US including Lincoln and Jefferson, I think the following posting policy statement should be changed:

Terms that are considered racially derogatory are prohibited regardless of intent or usage. The goal here is to inform and discuss, not to offend. If your motivations are racist, we suggest you find another forum.
Clearly the sense of "racist" in this policy statement, associated as it is with "racially derogatory" terms does not fit the likes of Lincoln or Jefferson, nor any of us who consider ourselves representatives of their heritage.

Therefore I suggest that either:
  1. My posts be reinstated, or[/*:m:26vo6d6v]
  2. The second sentence of the policy statement be reworded as follows:
    This forum does not tolerate even racialist, let alone racist views. If you harbor such views we suggest you find another forum.