Chicago, February 29.- The commitments acquired by the immigrant leaders of Illinois with the Democratic Party in the U.S., put in doubt the execution of a march on May 1st to demand an integral migratory reform, notified an activist.

The coordinator of the March 10 Movement (M10M), Jorge Mújica, assured that the immigrant community is willing to march in the streets for an integral migratory reform.

Nevertheless, the leaders of the movement haven't arrived at an agreement due to the fact that a great majority of them have given priority to party participation in the American electoral process, he explained.

"There is difficulty to convince certain activists that have interests with the democrats, because the party is opposed to the marches", affirmed Mújica.

He added that others, whose organizations depend on a governmental budget, are commited with the services they give out for which they do not desire to be involved with the march organization.

"There are also clubs of Mexican natives, that are slow to incorporate, and other leaders that reject the marches, although they are the first that add themselves in the photo",
he exposed.

Nevertheless, he said that there will be a march on May 1st, due to the insistence of raids and deportations which maintains lit the spirit of the immigrant community to come out and demand the return of the immigration issue to be debated in Congress.

"At least in Illinois there isn't any fear, but certainty that they will not be able come against us all. Because 50 years would be needed to remove to all the undocumented, a raid of a thousand daily, we are speaking of 365 thousand per year, is not even the quantity that enters", he assured.

It underlined that the M10M organizes a congress, to take place on March 8 and 9, regarding immigration reform, during which he expects to define its future strategy. March 10, to commemorate the start of its movement, the activists will concentrate at mid-day in downtown Chicago where they will distribute informative flyers.

"The message is that we are going to begin our third year of marches and the we the undocumented are still here in spite of the raids and we want that the immigration issue be taken up again" in Congress, insisted Mújica. (With information of Notimex/MVC)