Professor blames ‘southern white radicals’ for Obamacare debacle

10:31 AM 01/01/2014
Eric Owens
Education Editor

A professor who teaches constitutional law courses at the City University of New York’s John Jay College of Criminal Justice penned a Christmas Day essay blaming “southern White radicals” for the disastrous, slow-motion train wreck failure that has been the rollout of the Affordable Care Act.

The essay, by Gloria J. Browne-Marshall at the website Politics in Color, is entitled “2013: A Year of Racial Challenges.”

“[S]outhern White radicals vowed to stop implementation of the Obama-care law leading one to wonder if Tea Party members would oppose affordable healthcare if it came from a nonBlack [sic] President,” writes Browne-Marshall.

In the next two profoundly disconnected paragraphs, the taxpayer-funded professor rambles from Abraham Lincoln to Christopher Dorner, the black LAPD cop who killed a bunch of innocent people and then committed suicide at the end of a huge manhunt.

“Some called Dorner insane others said a modern-day Nat Turner, referring to the leader of a Virginia slave rebellion in 1831,” Browne-Marshall writes in her characteristically thick, ungrammatical prose. “However, the possibility racism was a core issue in this case was disregarded.”

She then discusses a host of other issues, including a Supreme Court opinion on voting rights and the fates of Trayvon Martin and “White Latino” George Zimmerman.

Browne-Marshall teaches courses in constitutional law and evidence. She is also a member of the gender studies faculty.

A webpage called “Race, Law, and American Society” is dedicated to a book Browne-Marshall wrote. It explains that Browne-Marshall “has compiled an impressive array of historical and legal materials detailing the persistent legally sanctioned terrorism perpetrated by the majority culture against African Americans.”

The webpage does not appear to indicate — as is customary among academics — the law school that trained Browne-Marshall in constitutional law or, in fact, any school she attended. Her department at John Jay does not list a curriculum vitae at all.

It’s not clear how Browne-Marshall reasoned her way to the conclusion that “southern White radicals” derailed Obamacare. As College Insurrection notes, a CNN poll conducted just before Christmas shows that 62 percent of Americans oppose the president’s signature legislation.

More than 4.7 million Americans have had their health insurance cancelled as a result of the massive new healthcare regime. At the same time, the Department of Health and Human Services confirmed Tuesday that, between federal and state exchanges, just 2 million Americans have signed up for Obamacare coverage.

John Jay College of Criminal Justice lauds itself as “the preeminent national and international leader in educating for justice.” Students at the very well-located Manhattan school mainly study criminology, correctional studies and the like.