New Yorkers for Immigration Control and Enforcement rallies against a pro-amnesty rally held this Father’s Day. Joanna Marzullo, president of NY ICE, has the details:
June 14, 2013, New York, NY. NY ICE counter-demonstrated, once again, at the Federal ICE Center at Varick Street in NYC. The photo above is from that counter demonstration, and features a NY ICE Member boldly holding a “NO AMNESTY” sign against the stampede of illegal aliens who were trying to exploit Father’s Day for amnesty. At the counter, an illegal told NY ICE that we were “ruining” her day, but, in fact, they are trying to continue to ruin our country.
Also, as this video demonstrates, illegals are fond of saying they “are human”, but that is just another deflection. They are humans who are illegally here, as the NY ICE Member in that video eloquently states amidst the hoards of illegals; not in the shadows! Contrary to their propaganda, Federal ICE is not conducting raids or detentions in any kind of massive way. Most illegals that are detained are, in fact, detained for other reasons, like drug-dealing, that are in addition to their illegal status. And, in fact, most of these illegal alien fathers have other children in in their home countries who they separated themselves from.
In fact, deporting them would serve to reunite these illegal alien fathers with their children in their home countries. Illegal alien advocates always act like the U.S. is the only country where illegal alien families can be reunited, and that’s because they want access to the America’s resources. Most of these illegal alien fathers are international Johnny Appleseeds, fathering multiple children in different countries. Don’t be fooled by their propaganda that goes against the self-interest of the citizens and legal immigrants of the U.S.!