I'm going to post this once again because I started to get sick on Sunday and did this and beat it back in less than 48 hours. Do this as soon as you have a sniffle or a tickle or to beat back active crud.

Take eccinacia supplements (3-4 times per day) from the vitamin wall in walmart. comes in pills and tincture. Don't take all the time, just for 4 days stints at onset of symptoms or to knock out crud. It ramps up your immune system into high gear. North American Indians used it too fight flu so my hippie friends should approve

And make the crud cure lemonade.

1 cup of warmed water somewhere short of hot and far short of boiling. You want it warm to make the ingredients aromatic but not so hot that you kill the live microbes in the honey.
(I microwave a coffee cup 80% full of water for 120 seconds)
1 Rounded table spoon of unheated unprocessed raw honey
1-2 oz of freshly squeezed or bottled organic lemon juice

Since both these items can be hard to get in a crunch, I order them online to have them on hand each Fall before cold and flu symptoms kick in. Keep the honey away from children under 2

Drink 3-4 times per day depending on symptom severity. Be sure to deeply inhale the pleasant aroma of the tonic, and sip it slowly to maximize the amount of time the drink spends in your mouth and around your upper respiratory tract.

Will usually cure crud in 48 hours, but make sure you continue the supplements and tonic for at least 2 days after symptoms disappear. Beware drinking just before bedtime since honey gives ya a sugar rush.

Hope this concoction helps you as much as it has helped me.