I have read that the Bush administration is going to Enforce the Laws that we have now in regards to immigration.... They are giving the companies 90 days to get the S.S. number right... If the number is not a match the person can't work passed the 90 day mark...
This is such a loop-hole.. 90 days is long enough to give the companies plenty of time to work an illegal 89 days and another batch of illegals are on their way in...

I used to work for a trucking company that was a union barn.. I was a clerk.... One of my jobs was ON PAPER to work a guy for 29 days then layoff/rehire... We had guys that worked 3 and sometimes 4 YEARS.. The union was getting the dues from the guy so if did not matter to them at all..Plus the guys did not go down for a pre-hire drug test.... This is what will happen except not 4-6 guys this will happen by the millions...........

We are going for a ride AGAIN.....