R-E-S-P-E-C-T for the American Worker, Too
Ads Hit Job-Suffering Los Angeles, Bakersfield, and Modesto

Thanks to donations by CAPS members like you, ads are running now asking for dignity and respect for the American worker, too.

It's about jobs. Click here to listen.

Radio ads in Los Angeles, Bakersfield and Modesto California are launching as special interest groups prepare to stage rallies throughout California this Saturday demanding American workers show illegal aliens respect by supporting amnesty for millions who came here illegally.

  1. What about showing some respect for American workers who lost their jobs or whose wages have decreased due to job competition from illegal aliens?
  2. What about some respect for this country’s laws and the idea that no group should get preferential treatment over others?
  3. And how about some respect for those immigrants who waited patiently in line to come to America the right way?

Despite Californians (about 2 million) still having difficulty finding jobs, special interest groups are moving forward with “Day of Respect” October rallies to demand passage of Senate bill S744, which would give amnesty to 11 million+ illegal aliens as well as double the nation's current legal immigration flow (another 30 million) to take American jobs, get welfare, and further depress wages.

At 8.9% California continues to have one of the highest unemployment rates in the country. In the immigration-affected places CAPS is advertising, the unemployment rate is higher:

  • Unemployment in Los Angeles is 9.8%.
  • Unemployment in Bakersfield is 11.6%.
  • And in Modesto, unemployment is 12.9%!

CAPS will continue to fight for all American workers, thanks to your support. If you would like to help us continue projects like these, please consider donating today!


Jo Wideman
CAPS Executive Director

Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS) works to formulate and advance policies and programs designed to stabilize the population of California, the U.S. and the world at levels which will preserve the environment and a good quality of life for all.