I'll be honest. I read a lot of true spy and espionage books. I've learned a lot of things I can't use in real life. Well here is my chance.

I have a suggestion. We can learn a thing or two from War History. The radio has been a very effective weapon against the opposition. Example, "the voice of Tokyo Rose was said to have taunted Allied forces during the war, hurting morale."

I am asking everyone to call your local radio station request lines and ask them to play a patriotic tune. You don't have to tell them why, other than you are in the mood. It will actually have a dual effect. It will discourage the illegal supporters and encourage Americans. I think this is a passive enough act, that the radio stations will unwittingly do it. They may not realize for a while what is up. Might even get the opposition mad at the stations and that will server a purpose too. One attack like nasty letter or on-air comment and they will quit advertising for them.

There is just something about hearing a patriotic tune, when we are in a national crisis, and we can't help but feel brave and called to take action. We should be hearing anthems right now and we are not. Not that we can't push the issue a little.

Consider it covert psychological warfare.

What do my fellow AliPacers think?
