November 18, 2008

Illegals gain foothold through their offspring

Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars each year. From welfare to free medical care to housing criminal alien thugs in our own jails and prisons, the financial cost is staggering. The Internet is replete with information on the financial burden illegal aliens have placed on honest American taxpayers. Research it, read it and then weep. It is almost too staggering to bear.

Under a perverted view of the 14th Amendment, which grants citizenship to "all persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof," our court system and weak-kneed politicians have conferred citizenship on babies born to illegals on U.S. soil.

By gaining U.S. citizenship, these babies — and their illegal alien mothers — are eligible for welfare and a host of other social programs funded by us, the taxpayers. This distorted view of the 14th Amendment is encouraging illegal aliens to cross our borders for clear and present bloodsucking reasons. All reasonable U.S. citizens want this rectified. Once again, where is the political leadership to do what is right for America?

