
We need a great deal of volunteer help this week, starting intensely today!

Our SC commercial took a great deal of work and will be useless unless it is seen by many people around the nation.

We need your help today. We need links to the video copy posted on hundreds of websites.

I do mean hundreds of websites and that means we need many of you to pick up the ball and fan out across the web for some needed leg work.

Let's show what we can do when we all pull together. Please feel free to post suggestions or questions here.

We need

1. Links and invitations posted in to

2. We need copies of this video with your own personal encouragements for people to report on this sent to every national and local media source you can find.

The newspapers, TV, and radio stations in SC need to be hearing from a small army of you talking about this commercial.

Lou Dobbs, Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and others need to be receiving email after email about this.

If you activate, we will break on through. If you do not respond to this request, we are likely to flop.

it is up to you.

Our press release and email alert is in Announcements.

Please let me know if you are taking action with us.

Let's roll!