Hi, this is my first post, I am interested to learn more about this issue.

One of the more recurring themes for people against the stay of illegal immigrants is because of their significant drain in the healthcare system. In addition, these services serve as an incentive for them to take risk to enter the boarder of America, resulting a vicious cycle.

However, as far as I am concerned, I don't see withdrawing all their right to access the health services would be a real solution, in fact, quite the opposite. Illegal immigrants ** might ** have brought undetected diseases from their homelands, or they might have contracted diseases within America, denying their right to healthcare while still allowing them to reside will make ALL Americans more prone to epidemics to previously-defeated contagious diseases (ie, flu going untreated and unmonitored). And it will have a tremedous negative impact on the nation, both on its financial loss and the already-established standard of health. It would be better to keep their health status in check, it may cost a sum of money now, but it might have prevent potential greater loss.

However, if the government takes no real action, this problem will not solve itself. Building a wall around the boarder sounds like an impractical idea. And conducting in massive deportation does sound very uncompassionate, especially, we have heard many stories of those hard-working individuals willing to take the jobs most Americans wouldn't consider. I am well-aware that their persistence and dedication at work do not automatically grant them right to residency, but I just don't see massive deportation going in line with the character and value of some representative groups in this nation. And without massive deportation, I don't see any real hindrance for potential illegal immigrants not to take advantage.

Any comments or criticisms will be more than welcome. And I would like to hear from you what you think is the best solution to the problem.