........While Illegals are still being catered to

Public schools cut $5 billion in budget proposal

Associated Press

Posted on January 18, 2011 at 9:01 PM

* Proposed Texas budget cuts dig deep into education funding

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas public schools' budgets would be cut by $5 billion under a preliminary state budget proposal.

The proposal, released late Tuesday, reduces state spending on schools, including a cut to arts education, teacher incentive pay and money for schools to administer steroid testing.

The state's Foundation School Program — the pool of money distributed to schools using formulas based on daily attendance — would be reduced more than $4 billion. Highlights released with the proposal, however, note that the pool of money would be short almost $10 billion below the amount required to fund the school finance formulas under state law.finance formulas under state law.

My rant..........

Meanwhile it is costing the State of Texas $6.7 billion each year at the last count to educate and take care of the illegal aliens in this state. We stand to lose 100 thousand teachers in Texas, increase the size of the class rooms, take money from our school's budgets yet we still dole out billions each year to people who don't belong here. Sell out and short change American kids educations and their futures so we can take care of another country's problems. I am pissed off!

Looking for ways to cut the State budget and save some money? Open your eyes Texas politicians, quite pandering to illegal aliens and get them off our payroll.