12-20 million plus illegal aliens given legal status means they will be able to bring in their immediate family members and the population will rise almost instantly. Kyle and Graham say they will be paid higher wages because they will be legal workers. The un-employment rate will rise if employers have to pay higher wages. They will not hire as many workers as they did when they could pay lower wages. When un-employment rises, wages are lowered. These un-employed workers will have to go on welfare and turn to crime to feed their families. Our natural resources, such as water, which is being depleted now will be even more depleted. We will see shortage of gasoline and price will go even higher. This all spells disaster for this country and it’s people.

We are already seeing the signs of the last days spoken of in the Bible. As this is going down, I can see more and more that we are not in control and there is a higher power that is in control of things.

Matt 24;7,8,9,11,21,22,24,....nation against nation.....food shortages.......increase in lawlessness...object of hatred...great tribulation......beginning of pang of distress...betray one another....hate one another.....
Luke 21; 11,25,26....pestilence...anguish of nations not knowing the way out....faint out of fear and expectations of the thing coming upon the earth..

We are already seeing rise in violent crimes, unemployment, economic
instability,country hopeless in debt,