Here is the real scoop and it makes perfect sense. All the illegal's are going to now get there drivers license's and vote democrat. We do not have any checks and balances when it comes to voting. They are saying it is going to take 18 months for this to all come about. The fence is going to take that long. Well, guess what? That is long enough for illegal's to register without proof of citizenship and this how the Dems want it. The Republicans are gone gone gone. Now if this is not stupidity on there part I don't know what could be any more stupid than this bill. Just remind all your Republican leaders that. Minorities now rule the US. That little figure came from the census today. One third of the nation are immigrants. You should have stood your ground Republicans that is all I have to say. As for Bush and McCain! Dems in disguise. Gone is any type of conservative base.

