First let me start by saying that all public schools receive Federal funds and they have to adhere to certain standards and rules mandated by the federal government, on the other hand Private schools do not receive any funds and do not have to adhere to the same standards, they can teach what ever they want as long as they meet the academic requirement, so for example Catholic or Jewish schools can teach religion where Public schools can not, as long as they meet the academic standards in math and science ect....
Now How about a public school that receive funding from Your tax dollars and teaches hate toward America and Americans according to the Views of its principle and founder.
This Public School is "La Academia Semillas del Pueblo" in El Sereno, California and it's Principle and founder is Marcos Aguilar.
He was interviewed By a UCLA's institute of democracy online magazine called "Teaching to change in LA", read carefully his answers to a couple of questions and don't forget that you are paying for his school:

Q: Where did you grow up and go to school?
A:I was born in Mexicali, Baja California Norte, We grew up with the knowledge that in Arizona, in Yuma, Arizona, everything was Black and White. The dogs and Mexicans drank from one spot and the White people drank from the other one. I think growing up amongst Mexicans, you get values and manners at home. One of my grandmothers raised me and taught me those values.
Q: what do you see as the legacy of the Brown decision?
"If the Brown decision was just about letting Black people into a White school, well we don’t care about that anymore. We don’t necessarily want to go to White schools. What we want to do is teach ourselves, teach our children the way we have of teaching. We don’t want to drink from a White water fountain, we have our own wells and our natural reservoirs and our way of collecting rain in our aqueducts. We don’t need a White water fountain. So the whole issue of segregation and the whole issue of the Civil Rights Movement is all within the box of White culture and White supremacy. We should not still be fighting for what they have. We are not interested in what they have because we have so much more and because the world is so much larger. And ultimately the White way, the American way, the neo liberal, capitalist way of life will eventually lead to our own destruction. And so it isn’t about an argument of joining neo liberalism, it’s about us being able, as human beings, to surpass the barrier."
There is a link to this Guys Interview with NPR "National Public Radio" here it is

Why the hell is the united states Government "Department of Education" funding a school that Teaches Seperatism, Racism and encourage the idea of southwestern US take over my Mexico... stop the Stupidity and the brainless Berocracy it is destroying us.
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