Petition to Congress

The Senior Citizens League will collect both online and print petitions and bring a collective voice to members of Congress.

I support efforts to make Social Security more stable and secure, but the Social Security reform proposals being discussed and debated in Washington are both dangerous and unfair to current Social Security recipients. You MUST co-sponsor, support and vote for The Social Security Guarantee Act recommended by The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) on behalf of the millions of older Americans who are currently struggling to survive on benefits that ALREADY fail to keep abreast of skyrocketing medical, healthcare and Medicare costs.

As one of the many supporters of TSCL who reside in your constituency, I strongly urge you to oppose any Social Security reform effort until FIRST passing into law The Social Security Guarantee Act or a similar legislative protection that provides the strongest guarantee available under law that Social Security benefits will NOT be cut and that the annual COLA will be set at a fair and accurate level. In summary there should be:

NO cuts of the type suggested by the Fiscal Commission.
NO new taxes on Social Security benefits!
NO Social Security COLA freezes, reductions, or cancellations!
NO Social Security benefits to illegal aliens!
NO cuts of the type suggested by the House/Senate Debt Reduction “Super Committee”!

MOST IMPORTANTLY, I eagerly await your prompt support of The Social Security Guarantee Act prior to the next election.

Respectfully signed by this concerned citizen: