Got this from NewsMax. Robinson is running in North Carolina.


Dear Fellow Conservative,

Did you know that convicted foreign child molesters are eligible to immigrate to America?

Well, you will after watching this devastating new television ad from my campaign's ad team.

And my opponent, ultra-liberal Democrat Congressman Brad Miller, voted to let it these pedophiles in!

As a black conservative, I'm outraged at this nonsense, and can't wait to get into the Congress to close this loophole up.


The shocking fact of convicted pedophiles being allowed to become citizens in America is just one of the issues laid bare to the world in this new spot.

Polling shows the biggest issue in my district is the ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION INVASION, and this ad holds Congressman Miller responsible for his inexcusable failure to secure the borders.

"Instead of securing the borders," the ad explains, "Brad Miller voted to give these illegal aliens drivers' licenses, Social Security benefits, and many other government freebies."

"These illegal aliens pay no taxes, but take our jobs and our government handouts, then spit in our face, and burn our flag."

This ad speaks the truth, and everyone knows it, but so many candidates are afraid to say it for fear they will be called racist. I am not among those timid souls. They can call me what they want; in Congress, I will shut that border down!

As far as I am concerned, it takes a high degree of gall for someone to sneak into your country illegally, then take to the streets demanding amnesty and other "rights" that don't belong to him.

But that's what these interlopers are doing, and if I make it to the Congress I guarantee you I will make sure these people know I am not impressed.

The only free thing they will get from me is a one-way ticket home.


Many people argue that illegals are taking only the jobs real Americans won't take.

That's nonsense.

The truth is that these illegals can afford to work for less because as illegals they pay absolutely no income taxes, state or federal - and they get paid under the table by employers trying to cheat the system.

This hurts us all, because it robs jobs from Americans, and cheats the tax rolls - which means the rest of us have to pay even higher taxes to pick up the slack for those who pay nothing.

And despite the claims of the bleeding heart liberals that these people "only want a better life here in America," the fact of the matter is that many of them don't work, and don't pull their own weight. They get free medical care from our hospital emergency rooms, and free educations and free lunches in our public schools.

Many of them commit crimes against us and against each other, and YOU pay for the law enforcement that has to hunt them down, YOU pay for their lawyers and interpreters when they are caught, and YOU pay for their incarceration.

And as the new ad says, I've had enough.


We're having outstanding success in reaching black voters with this spot, because black Americans know as well as anyone whose jobs and whose neighborhoods get taken over when these illegals move in.

Our internal polling shows that I am receiving four times as much of the black vote as the normal Republican. I'm sure part of that is the fact that I am black myself, but the problems caused by rampant illegal immigration are a great issue for us among black voters, and without an absolute lock on the black vote, my opponent can't win (like most Democrats in the South).

Of course, without the strong financial support of conservatives like you, I can't win either, so if you share my conservative beliefs and want to see a strong black conservative in the Congress, CLICK HERE TO SEND SOME SUPPORT.

In an interesting twist, our ad people styled the first part of the ad directly after a classic 1990 Jesse Helms television spot that spoke out against racial quotas. That ad showed a pair of white (blue collar) hands crumpling up a letter - a letter that said the recipient had lost the job to a minority because of a racial quota.

Our ad shows a pair of black hands crumpling a "rejection" letter, while the narrator points out that the job was given instead to an illegal alien, so the employer could save money by paying him under the table.

How deliciously sweet it is that an ad the liberals said was racist in 1990 is now being used to recruit black voters to a conservative Republican candidate for Congress!

The ad really has the Left riled up! But that's nothing compared to what I'll do once I get into the Congress.

Can you imagine Teddy Kennedy and Nancy Pelosi trying to deal with a black conservative like me?

I'm pro-gun, pro-family, pro-life, and pro-business. I'm a veteran - an Air Force Academy graduate (with a degree in Middle East Affairs) who once served as an Air Force Missile Combat Crew Commander, and USAF Intelligence officer. You know that means I'll take care of our vets and have no mercy on these Islamofacist terrorists who are threatening our way of life.

It's bad enough that the North Koreans have the nuclear bomb. Can you imagine if this nut Ahmedinejad got one? It is a threat that cannot be ignored, and should not be appeased. What are the liberals thinking?


As a two-term city councilman I didn't wilt when the liberals in the media came after me, and I won't become politically correct once I get to Congress. But to get there I need your help. That's the simple fact.

My opponent voted to take the words "under God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance, to take the Ten Commandments down from our public buildings, and to let illegal aliens burn the American flag.

But polling shows that 32% of the voters in my district think he's a "conservative."

That's sickening!

I can't win with that kind of ignorance among the voters, and you know the liberals in the media aren't doing anything to educate them.

To reach the voters with the truth, I need to put ads like this one up, and to do that I have to have the financial support of good conservatives like you. And if it doesn't happen soon, I won't be able to buy the media time soon enough to make a difference in the campaign. We have only about a month left!

You know what's at stake. I would greatly appreciate any help you can give.


I thank you for all you do for the conservative cause, and hope that God will bless you as He has blessed America.


Vernon L. Robinson