What I get is that many here do not understand the implication and the associations that many of todays, america's problems, come from.

We get involved in unconstitutional wars that are trumped up by boogymen called 'terrorists' by special interests that profit from war.

We get a HUGE recession on its way, with more spending by the government on its way - including an ever-expanding government entity.

We get complete open borders and an entitlement system that rewards illegals thereby creating a huge class of socilisitic pirahna.

AND NOW, the very same special interests that own the PRIVATE federal reserve bank, and their associates have put forth legislation that will give these 'money men' - world bank, MORE CONTROL over us. A privately held company will determine monetary policy to a scale never before imagined.

Now, is this all conspiracy? Hmm. Is the NAU a conspiracy?

Tell me, who "owns the federal reserve". Can you find out how much money it prints? If it is a government owned company, WHY does the federal government pay the federal reserve interest? Why are the federal reverse meetings off-limits and policy dicated WITHOUT any congressional oversight? Why does the federal reserve CHOOSE 5 chairmen that the federal governmnet MUST PICK from? (sounds like our presidential candidates -not much of a choice, when given the choices).

Anyways, Ron Paul will talk about the Latest Federal Reserve power grab.

Get informed people. We can all run scared about illegals, but that is just a "symptom" of what is really going on.