that is how long we have until the Senatorial elections of 2008.

that is how long I told Senator Lindsey Graham-nesty's office today that he has left in the job he currently disgraces. I told them I'm marking the date on my calendar with much anticipation and that he will be put out of office for his disgusting anti-American actions.

here is a list of all Republicans up for election in 2008 WHO VOTED FOR AMNESTY BY VOTING AGAINST THE VITTER AMENDMENT last week:

Alaska: Stevens
Georgia: Chambliss
Idaho: Craig
Maine: Collins, Snowe
Minnesota: Coleman
Nebraska: Hagel
New Mexico: Domenici
Oregon: Smith
South Carolina: Graham-nesty
Texas: Cornyn
Virginia: Warner

please call all of these creeps and remind them of how much time they have left if they support this amnesty bill.