There were NO lobbyists anywhere on my ballot!!!
These ####heads don't represent me, Senator Cornyn!

Next to the Council on Foreign Relations, this lunatic fringe, foreign interest, anti-American lobby group has more influence and control over the US Senate than all registered voters combined.

2nd URL, scroll down the list to 11th from the bottom, there you'll see the pro-H-1B, anti-American group. 2nd item from the top is a typo - it's really Bank of India.

This isn't, by any means, the only anti-American lobby group, there's the insidious NASSCOM/Hill & Knowlton, the taxpayer funded National Communist La Raza, the taxpayer funded Friends of India Caucus and others.

Recommendation: When corresponding with elected officials, remind them that lunatic fringe lobby groups, such as this one, were not on your ballot and do not represent US voters. Call their attention to these - - - holes. Senators have short memories and need reminding a lot; some like Sen Kennedy haven't been sober in years. Guess I'm preaching to the choir.