The article that follows was authored by Dan Howard, a great American from Oklahoma and Founder of the patriot web site titled, "Outraged Patriots." Dan has been instrumental in waking Oklahomans to the illegal alien crisis.

Oklahoma legislative bill 1804 went into effect on November 1, 2004, and is one of the toughest measures in America for dealing with illegal aliens.

Dan asked me to distribute his fine article, and I am most happy to do so. His bio is at the end of the article and includes a link to his site as well.

Dan's article is obviously topical and needs to be read by as many people as possible.

Please send this article far and wide!

Thank you.

John W. Lillpop


by Dan W. Howard
November 22, 2007
Also viewable at:

Fellow Americans and patriots, I would give anything if I could write a syrupy-sweet, all-is-fine Thanksgiving Day message for you today. However, I have always taken pride in my endeavor of not being politically correct, but rather just ‘correct.’ Yes, we do have every reason to be thankful for our health, our livelihoods, and our loved ones. And, we also should give thanks for our dedicated military personnel that protect us, as well as our peace officers, firefighters, and other front-line public servants that honor us with their dedication. But, when it comes to the health of our nation, while we should obviously offer thanks that we are still ‘technically’ free, I believe we should be praying long and often for the strength, resolve and courage to continue our battle to save our country. We must ask for guidance and wisdom so that we may be victorious in our fight to save what our founding fathers sacrificed so greatly for, America. But, it was a 50+ year national tradition that made me think of other Americans that are in dire need of our prayers.

My heart sank this week as I watched the national coverage of President Bush pardoning two turkeys in the Rose Garden. He spoke of this tradition that goes back to the Harry Truman days. He thanked everyone who voted online and awarded these two birds the names of ‘May’ and ‘Flower’, and Bush went on to say, “They're certainly better than the names the Vice President suggested, which was "Lunch" and "Dinner."
Yes, had old Dick had his way I’m sure these birds would have experienced a much different outcome. That seems to be the norm these days.

Bush went on to state that this holiday goes back to the days of our founding fathers and that Benjamin Franklin had famously compared our nation to a rising sun. He said the ‘we’ still see America the way Franklin did, which was best portrayed by poet Carl Sandburg, “in the crimson light of a rising sun fresh from the hand of God.â€Â