Washington Times
By Ben WolfgangSeptember 16, 2013

"Nobody’s even surprised anymore. A clear confirmation of American exceptionalism.”
A Russian official blasted “American exceptionalism” in a tweet Monday morning, saying the deadly shooting at Washington’s Navy Yard confirms the worst about the U.S.

“A new shootout at Navy headquarters in Washington — a lone gunman and 7 corpses. Nobody’s even surprised anymore,” tweeted Alexey Pushkov, a member of the Russian parliamentary foreign affairs committee.

“A clear confirmation of American exceptionalism,” he added.

The comment — met with disgust on Twitter Monday, as the situation at Navy Yard continues to unfold — is a reference to the recent New York Times op-ed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In the piece, Mr. Putin blasted American exceptionalism and admonished Americans to remember that God has created everyone equal.

Like Mr. Pushkov’s tweet, Mr. Putin’s comments fueled outrage from U.S. lawmakers and many others.
