Did I hear the news correctly: Democratic candidates Hillary and Obama won't dare set foot in Hazleton, Pa. during their fight for votes in Pennsylvania on Tuesday?

As we know, Hazleton is one of those courageous small towns that
is fighting to stop the invasion of illegal immigrants.

If Hillary and Obama won't dare set foot in Hazleton out of fear that such a visit would upset the national Hispanic community, then that
is a sad commentary on how Hillary and Obama are afraid to
face the terrible problem that is illegal immigration.

Just wondering: Are there any brave Americans who will run for public
office and stand up to illegal immigrant gangster supporters?

Or are our politicians, like Hillary and Obama, going to kiss up to
those gangster illegal immigrant supporters by avoiding cities and towns like Hazleton during their national campaigns to become President of the United States?

How sad. Hillary and Obama---in order not to offend Hispanic voters--- are kissing up to out-of-control supporters of illegal immigration, especially illegal immigration from Mexico and other Latin American countries.