They say we're in Iraq to fight this war on terror.
In reality we have a missle defense system to thwart any attack from abroad. We have a great air defense system including the one that could have stopped the air attacks that were put on us on 9-11.
We just didn't use them for what ever reason as wierd as that may seem.

But we have them in place, we hear all the fear mongering about attacks but we weren't running around like this during the soviet threat and they were a much larger threat a hundred times over. So, why is everyone all the sudden so fearful. Is it because the Media showed us some beheadings and people getting dragged through the streets? In reality when your dead your dead, how you got that way doesn't really matter does it?

So here is the flaw in the BUSH strategy. They say we have to fight them there so we don't have to fight them here. We hear if we leave Iraq they will follow us here. How are the terrorist going to get here? Are they going to just snap there fingers and suddenly appear out of no where? Of course not. If they come by sea in large enough quantities to do massive damage it would mean ships and ships loaded with the terrorist. I'm sure our Air defenses would know about it, especially since we're monitoring all form of communication all over the world. Opps those air defenses missed the ships but I'm sure the navy will know about it and take care of it, lets say the Navy misses all the ships, if our borders were secure I'm sure the third line of defense would see them coming and take care of them. I'm sure we will see the masses of terrorist coming and we can take care of the threat in the ocean or at the coastline or at the borders. For the terrorist to come into the country without being noticed they would have to come in little by little through our borders. The fact is, we need our forces on the border, not in Iraq. Just like everything in the PC era, this bush war strategy is flawed and backwards. If this were a just war we would have wiped out Iraq from the begining, you'd have the same result that you have now with alot less dead Americans and a hell of alot less wounded Americans. Lets suppose the war was warranted, The truth is if we would have approached this war like its supposed to be then our troops wouldn't be dying, that is the whole purpose of having military jets and the navy, to kill the enemy before they get to our troops. Thats why we have bombs and nukes, to protect us from the threats, not sit back and wait until all our people are dead and then use them. Another pecular clue that you never hear anyone talk about which hit me as soon as the loud mouth bush said it, was to give you enemy a warning that your coming in. Bush says he isn't for time tables but he sure didn't mind using them to let the enemy know we were coming in and therfore let the enemy know our war plan and prepare. Anybody with brains knows the element of suprise is crucial to any military operation. He should have been jerked right then! But now Bush is totally against time tables, says it will let the enemy use it for their gain. The truth is, unless you kill every Iraqi and muslim in Iraq there will always be some kind of threat of violence. Just as Bush has taken it upon himeself to be God and kill people, as soon as we're gone they will too. Just as Bush is greedy and hungry for power and money, they are too.
There is no logic in this war, this is a fake threat and has nothing to do with security of our country. Its all about controlling the oil fields.

So there is the John McCain question of the day, lets see if he can squirm out of it. Seems to me someone that was supossedly tortured and saw mass killing would be against more of the same.

We can withstand treats from sophisticated soviet nukes but not some primitive terrorist? You gotta be kidding!