Santuary Cities: Another Bad Idea From The Democrats
By 1. Robert Klein Engler (09/23/2003)

Some people quote Henry David Thoreau to justify their selfishness. Other people quote propaganda as if it were fact to justify their policies. Such it is with the political justification for having ''sanctuary cities'' in the U.S. Once again, when it comes to illegal immigration, Democratic Party propaganda prevails over sound policy and police practices.

Police officials in Chicago and other large U.S. cities contend that to enforce federal immigration laws on the local level is to make police work in immigrant communities more difficult. Yet, I know of no objective data or documentation that proves this contention. In fact, just the opposite seems to fit with common sense and the experience of many police officers. Sanctuary cities are only justified by the wish of Democratic politicians and not the research of criminologists.

The contention by police commanders that enforcing federal immigration laws makes local police work difficult is propaganda. Such propaganda begs the question about what kind of immigrant communities we have in our cities in the first place. It also gives the impression that the police are only worried about their image with minorities.
When the majority community see selective enforcement of immigration laws, then they also lose faith and trust in the police. Instead of seeing the police as those who serve and protect everyone, the majority community now sees the police as an arm of whatever political party is in office. Selective enforcement of immigration laws, both local and federal, does nothing to help either the majority community nor those who are legal immigrants.

The very fact that local police are asked to selectively enforce immigration laws makes the police into exactly what they do not want to be. The police become just like the arbitrary power immigrants supposedly fled. The only way the police can improve their image in immigrant communities is to make it known that they are fair and impartial. That means they must enforce federal immigration laws when necessary.
The flaunting of federal immigration law would be laughable if it were not so dangerous for homeland security. Since 1996, it has been illegal for states and municipalities to take actions that prevent the reporting of illegal immigrants to federal immigration authorities. However, many states and municipalities do not and will not follow that law. To add insult to injury, some cities take pride in announcing that they are sanctuary cities.
An example of this is reported in a story by Steve Miller in The Washington Times (July 29, 2003). Miller writes, ''In a shocking admission that the police department in the nation's capital will refuse to assist the federal government with any manner of immigration enforcement, Washington D.C. police chief Charles Ramsey says his department won't ask about immigration status when conducting investigations. The chief said he made it clear to federal officials that D.C. police cannot be used for immigration enforcement...''
Even Congress seems reluctant to do anything about enforcing our immigration laws. A recent amendment to the $30 billion homeland security bill approved by lawmakers would have denied federal funds to ''sanctuary cities.'' Yet, in the face of common sense, this proposal failed to win approval, receiving only 102 of 424 votes. The votes in favor were from Republicans.
''It is unbelievable that there could even be one 'no' vote," said Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo, the Republican who introduced the amendment. He went on to add, ''It was simply a provision that required cities to enforce a federal law already on the books. I really don't know how anybody can defend that vote.''
Police officials in urban areas like Chicago receive their marching orders mostly from Democratic Party politicians. These politicians put party interest above the general welfare. All police officers with integrity should demand the end to policies like those put forward by Chief Ramsey, policies that make our urban areas sanctuaries for law breakers. Local police ought to work hand in hand with federal agencies to enforce immigration laws. To do anything otherwise is to suffer a ''tyranny of the minorities.''
The group, Police Officers For Immigration Reform know all too well the fallacy of having sanctuary cities. They are working for change and oppose the propaganda put forward to justify offering sanctuary to illegal immigrants. Officers For Immigration Reform argue that current policies violate federal law under the Illegal Immigration Reform & Immigrant Responsibility Act, specifically Sec. 642. Readers may want to go to their website at, to see how they may support the work of this group.

Individual police officers are also against the policy of offering sanctuary to illegal aliens. Testifying before a House Judiciary subcommittee during a hearing about the rape of a New York woman in a Queens, N.Y. park, Houston police officer John Nickell said about sanctuary policies, ''When we shackle law enforcement officers in such a manner—instead of protecting U.S. citizens and people who are here legally—the danger to society greatly increases by allowing potential violent criminals to freely roam our cities.''
Because many local governments like the city of Chicago are not enforcing the law of the land, the problem of illegal immigration in our country grows worse instead of getting better. Many Illegal immigrants now know they can go to sanctuary cities, be taken care of by social services, and never have to worry about being deported or even reported. Under the Democratic Party policies of sanctuary cities, the U.S. is becoming a land of ''criminal opportunity'' for such immigrants.By promoting sanctuary cities, government officials care more about illegal aliens than about law abiding citizens. This shortsighted attempt to get votes for the Democratic Party will have the long term consequence of tearing apart the already frayed fabric of our society.

Robert Klein Engler lives in Chicago. He is an adjunct professor at Roosevelt University. His book, A Winter Of Words, about the ethnic cleansing at Daley College, is available from