Lou Dobbs is an honorable man. He is also a businessman and an entertainer (to some degree). His number one strength lies in his journalism and ability to convey an effective opinion based on facts and experience. He possesses a high degree of intelligence, charisma, and knows how to play to an audience (again, the entertainer aspect).

There are many who would love to see Mr. Dobbs as President of the USA, or at the very least a U.S. Senator. While he could be successful in those endeavors, we have yet to see what he would do as a politician. Would he carry his beliefs into the realm of politics, or become a man of compromise? That is the $64,000 question.

Personally, I’d like to see Mr. Dobbs run for mayor of a smaller city or town (less than 100,000 people), or perhaps county executive of a smaller population county. At most, I’d like to see him run for Congress (in the House of Representatives, not as a Senator). I say this because I want to see how he responds to having a pool of constituents, who will hold him accountable for his actions. Does he really walk the talk? If he can pass the test on a smaller stage, he may then be ready for prime time.

Even if he doesn’t run for an elected office, his number one strength lies in his journalism, and the ability to reach potentially millions of people with his informed opinions. Let’s wait and see what he does over the next few weeks and months, before passing any sort of judgment. He’s done so much for us...what is that old expression, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stoneâ€