uniteasone posted an article last night

here is an email I just got in from NC Listen:
Immigration Reformers and Concerned Citizens,

On April 8th a protest will be held in Graham, NC near the Sheriff's office at approx 2:30pm to condemn the 287g program, mostly attended by ethno-centrists and their supporters. What's really important is the info further down below about a counterprotest. The first group pretends to be concerned with immigrants, but as we all know, legal immigrants already have rights. Secondly even illegal immigrants have basic rights to include the right to be deported for having broken in the front of the line of those waiting to come here legally, as well as having broken federal immigration laws and usually identity theft laws. Thirdly, there is no evidence any Sheriff's Dept in North Carolina has engaged in racial profiling directed at legal or illegal immigrants as it relates to the 287g program. The ethno-centric groups don't like 287g because it works. What they are really saying is that it is OK to break the law if you are of the correct ethnicity.

A counter-protest will take place on Wednesday, April 8th across the street from the Alamance County Sheriff's office. A permit has been secured for the protest. All are invited to participate from 2-5pm. Offensive behavior by any particiapant will result in being escorted away. Anyone may simply show-up at the venue located at the 100 block of South Maple Street, downtown Graham between 2-5pm. This is a brief description of the request for counter-protesters.

NC LISTEN supports the counter-protest. Any questions, please feel free to direct them to me. I will forward them on.

Ron Woodard

Not exactly sure where Graham is, but I just might be there!