If this bill passes, those who are here illegally will be given instant Legal Status (amnesty) and 8-13 years to pay the $5,000 fine. Does the $5,000 apply to each illegal family member or family unit and how does this apply to a child who is illegal?

What happens to those who do not pay the $5,000 fine in the 8-13 years or maybe never pays it? Some people will not be able to save that much money over a life time and may not even be able to borrow it. Legal status will be all that some will want. Do they get to remain here with Legal Status, if so that is amnesty by all definitions.

What happens to those who do not pass a criminal background check? Are they going to be rounded up and deported or allowed to stay as illegal criminals?

What happens to those who came in after December 31,2006? Are they going to be rounded up and deported?

This bill is so full of holes that if passed will never be implemented. Only things we will see in Legal Status and Amnesty given to more than 20 million and more to come and the American citizen will be pushed deeper into poverty.
No bill is better than this bill because it will cost the Americans citizen trillions.