Today we must all work together to invigorate our boycott of Miller Brewing.

We need our online activists to immediately deploy across the Internet to find discussions, blogs, and places to post.

We want you to engage in the following activities.

1. Seek and destroy: Locate that pathetic two paragraph response by Miller Brewing denying their support for illegal immigration and proclaiming their support for existing laws. They have distributed that post far and wide. It needs to be located and rebutted / demolished as soon as possible. Miller Brewing has stepped into the turf of the ALIPAC activists. Let's show them what we can do.

2. We need our best researchers to help us compile the info on what Miller has been doing. Please locate any contribution information about their support of La Raza, LuLac, Maldef, open borders members of Congress, marching organizations etc and help us compile it here. You bring in the sources and we will create bullet point statements here at the top for everyone to use.

3. Please notify the nation and the world about this boycott by posting a few details and asking people to visit

Please set up links and direct traffic to the site for us.

Let's roll folks!

Bullet Points:

Miller Brewing gave $30,000 to groups that support amnesty for illegal aliens.

Miller Brewing is a major contributor to La Raza (trans. The Race) which supports amnesty and benefits for illegal aliens.

(Please post questions, research, and progress reports here)