John McCain and others who favor amnesty for 20 million illegal aliens currently in the US have fashioned a new plea for compassion that goes like this:

Let's make illegal aliens LEGAL so they will no longer have to live in the 'shadows.'

Political luminaries like Ted Kennedy and President Bush are also trying to sell guest worker proposals with this catchy, but illogical, phrase.

As is the case with ALL arguments in favor of illegal immigration, the "bring them out of the shadows" nonsense is nothing but recycled snake oil.

To begin with, illegal aliens are NOT forced to live in shadows. Each and every last one of these free-loading criminals is free to obey US law by getting the hell out of America and returning to Mexico. Lots of sunshine and very few shadows there!

Secondly: Millions of illegal aliens openly marched through the streets of Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas and other American cities on May 1 and during earlier 'protest' drives.

Many proudly waving Mexican flags and shouting idiotic demands in Spanish.

Even to the least politically savvy, it does not appear these renegade mobsters are timidly hiding in shadows.

Solution: Secure the borders, deport all illegal aliens and enforce existing immigration laws.

That will solve the "shadows" crisis... in a hurry.