Illegal immigration is a win-win situation for Mexico and a lose-lose situation for the United States. The U.S. is outsourcing more and more of its jobs to Mexico as Mexico exports more and more of its poverty to America. How can anyone see this as anything but bad? There is no balance in such a scenario.

Look at it this way, American taxpayers are subsidizing "cheap labor" for corporations and businesses while at the same time slowly losing the ability to pay the necessary taxes to support the country's infrastructure, educational needs for our children, and welfare programs - something has got to give. We are riding on a runaway train that is bound to derail in the near future. In other words, the current illegal immigrant situation is a train wreck in the making.

IMO, the only way to keep the train on track is to increase citizen taxes or halt illegal immigration and deport the millions already here. Well, since you can't bleed a turnipe, the only logical option is to halt illegal immigration and ensure those already here illegally, leave.

Some think legalizing the illegals will help the situation, but in reality that is the worse thing we could do. The majority of the illegals are non-skilled laborers, which means their wage earning powers are miniscule. The reality of the situation is these folks, after claiming their dependents and receiving tax credit after tax credit, will pay very little into the system, but you can bet they'll be getting a nice refund check from the IRS every year. Further, their eligibility for various social programs will ensure they are taking more out of the system than putting in.

One last thought, it is my sense that the Democrats will attempt to "bleed the turnipe" in an effort to pay for an amnesty program that will put 12-20 million illegal immigrants on a path to legalization. I'm not endorsing either political party, but people need to understand the reality of what we're facing if the Democrats should take control of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. I'm convinced that neither party is good for America, but I do know the Republicans are the best choice for those of us that don't want to see the country destroyed by illegal immigration. Just food for thought.........