There is a move afoot to visit Senator's offices on Monday April 3rd at noon across the nation and we have one local to us here that might do a lot of good considering this Senator consistently votes in favor of illegal immigration and we can expect her to continue to do so. Senator Elizabeth Dole's office is located at 310 New Bern Avenue Raleigh, NC Suite 122 and I believe it to be inside the federal building there across from the post office so be prepared to go through a security screening there. I would bring whatever you want to hand over to her staff as well as some brief but firm talking points concerning your opposition to the bill that just came out of the judiciary committee and illegal immigration in general. I plan to be there and don't worry if you are not exactly on time as I hope there will be a wait myself. It's just at lunch time when most people can get away and if your lunch is at a different hour then by all means do come then too. If we get a bunch of people showing up here to voice their opposition word will get back to her that the people are riled up enough to show up at her office over this and that rarely if ever happens over anything else there I am certain.
