Folks, if this last election showed us anything, it's that by the time we get to the general election our choices have pretty much been reduced to a "lesser of two evils" proposition. That is not acceptable. It is my suggestion and the indication of most polls that the majority of Americans lean to the Conservative side, yet the media successfully hamstrings Conservatives by claiming that they need to be "moderate" (Liberal) in order to be electable. I suggest that our lukewarm Conservative candidates are not losing because they are too Conservative, but rather because they are actually Liberals in disguise or at least Liberal appeasers and that voters know that. In other words, the media has successfully implemented a campaign to keep the vast majority of Americans from having cadidates that enunciate and support their values.

So what can we do to change this? I say that the answer lies in getting involved MUCH earlier in the process. By the time we get to the general election we are already screwed. What we need to start doing is getting involved at the primaries and earlier. We need to take an active hand in determining not only which party wins, but who our party is offering up as candidates.

I know that most of you are as busy as I am and that your free time is at a premium, but securing responsible representation is of utmost importance. What's more, your vote an your effort are both magnified at the party primary level because such a relatively small percentage of eligible voters actually participate at that level. The power brokers rely on that fact to control the process. A little effort on you part prior to and during the primaries is VASTLY more valuable than the time you spend campaigning and voting in the general election.

I suggest that if we can manage a grass roots effort to flood the primary polls with concerned citizens acting in concert with a specific plan and a specific slate of candidates representing a caucus, we can control the process for at least one or two cycles until the power brokers sort out a counter strategy. If we can implement a sort of new Contract With America and elect a fresh slate of new faces committed to that contract, we can gain genuine control of the legislative process for several electoral cycles. Do you appreciate how much positive progress can be made even in that short of a period?

Here's what I would like to see each of you do. Take this plan to the other sites you routinely visit. I'll need to provide some contact information (for now you can use the PM function or my website) and we'll need to centralize an information sharing location so that we can continue to play a role in developing and implementing the plan incrementally. Compile a list of viable candidates you know or at least suspect to be ethical and patriotic Americans who will remain loyal to the constituency. It is important that each of you provide a list of names for consideration from your area, because it is difficult to know who is trustworthy and available from halfway across the country.

Once we have a decent list of names, we will attempt to link with other grass roots groups to promote a slate of candidates within the Republican Party. We may organize fundraisers to help in promoting the visibility of these candidates, who will be ignored as much as possible by the MSM. Funds raised will go toward an ad campaign directed at promoting these guys as a bloc in much the way that the signatories to the Contract With America were promoted.

I realize that we just got through with an election, but the '08 election preliminary processes will be upon us in no time and there is much work to do.

Here's the time frame that I see:

Immediately- Identify potential candidates and draft a platform for the reform candidates. Identify other groups that will sign on and begin to plot strategy.

6 months - Begin to launch and organize fundraisers and plot media strategy.

1 year - Lock in candidates and begin funding campaigns for primaries and orchestrating press releases and media support.

What do you think folks? Can we do this? I suggest that we MUST do this. If things go as the MSM is currently steering them, we will have no Conservative candidate for the Presidency and more RINOs than ever running for Congress. The MSM will be engaged in a full court press to convince us that we must offer up more "moderate" Republicans because it is already claiming that this election's results prove that the country is turning against Conservatism. THIS IS A LIE THAT MUST BE OVERCOME, and Bush's selection of RNC leadership tells us that the party will not correct it of its own accord. We must DRAFT viable candidates, not accept the RINOs they try to foist upon us.

I have been asked why the same thing could not be accomplished through the Democrat Party. Folks, the Democrats are big-government addicts and they are most certainly out of touch with mainstream America when it comes to issues like immigration and border security. The emergence of the blue dogs is encouraging, but my fear is that these guys don't represent a sea change for the party, but rather a convenient means to the end of recapturing control, which the Dems could never have accomplished by promoting their true values. I'm afraid that the blue dogs will be shut out of positions of power and will eventually be abandoned and jettisoned if the party can consolidate its power.

We have a narrow window of opportunity here. Another loss by Conservatives at the polls will embolden the Left to move on its pet issues, like amnesty, disarming the citizenry, tax hikes (which would cripple the economy at this point), and more socialist programs and federal control.

Shoot me a PM if you have an interest in this approach or have any ideas for accomplishing this that you would like to share. I invite ALIPAC as an entity to join in the coalition as well, but I do so realizing that this may not be desirable for a PAC designed as a single-issue organization.