Soon Newt will be paying Paul like Peter did before !
By twomucht
Posted 37 minutes ago
Snellville, Georgia


By Tom Livsey, Topix National News Editor,

As most of us are concentrating on the Christmas season, gifts and family dinners are perhaps on the top of your totem pole.

For those of you who are entering these holidays without a job or a member of your family fighting overseas, you are most likely trying to make it day by day. You are in my prayers.

This year, the thoughts of despair and depression are unfortunately ranked very high in most households during this festive season, because of the unrest and uncertainty of our government's future.

Perhaps, the best gift that millions of Americans can ask Santa for this Christmas, is a 'New President, Named Ron Paul' !

Now is the time to do some real soul searching America.

I am a former investment banker, who helped to take major corporations public. It was my duty to scrutinize all of the particulars of the company's statements and products.

I had to see what kind of benefits that their service or product could bring into their perspective industries. 'Due Diligence', was needed to try to find their flaws, either be them, pros or cons.

Today as a news editor for over a dozen news sites, and a national talk show host, I follow the same scrutiny.

Last week, I was posed a challenge to try and find holes in Ron Paul's IPO,(Initial Public Offering), by another national talk show host, who goes by the name, 'Ron Paul Girl'.

Warning: I want you to acknowledge her beauty, but concentrate on her amazing brain instead. You can learn more by listening to her talk show..America, read what this proud American women told me that opened my eyes !

"Its not about politics. It never has been. Its about principals, and its about life;moreover, its about every area of your life. Its more than just an election and more than a debate. This is about our country's future. Maybe the last one that we have...I know this will be the last time that I will vote, without change", exclaims', RonPaul Girl....She has changed my upcoming vote !

Listen to her conviction for yourself, click on the link to her You Tube below: .

People, I am not easy to flow with the river of convenience, today I am paddling against the river's current upstream of 'Political Change', for 2012 President Ron Paul...are you with us?

Here are just a few of Mr. Ron Paul's Issues below:

Stop the wars that are bankrupting the USA and bring the troops home!

Iraq has done no harm to us and doesn't even have a real military: They are no threat to the U.S.! This war is simply about money and power for the government and global interests.

Thousands of U.S. troops and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis have died. Ron Paul will end this foolish war! "9/11 had nothing to do with Iraq. 15 of the 19 (hijackers) came from Saudi Arabia so their our bosom buddies and we're their best friends.

"It's time American soldiers quit being killed and it's time for us to quit killing a lot of other people who have not attacked us" - Ron Paul

Abolish the IRS and stop them from raiding your pay check.

That’s right, END THE IRS COMPLETELY: NO MORE INCOME TAX! Is your money really yours when the government can keep as much of your paycheck as they want? Ron Paul doesn't think that the government should own you or YOUR MONEY!

"By the way, when I say cut taxes, I don't mean fiddle with the code. I mean abolish the income tax and the IRS, and replace them with nothing." -Ron Paul
Audit the Federal Reserve and stop them from burying us under debt and outrageous housing costs!

The federal reserve is a private corporation and has no constitutional right to dictate the value or print our currency out of thin air!

As a result of "The Fed", inflation has skyrocketed. American's debt has grown under enormous inflation including astronomical home prices. We need sound money and we need to ABOLISH the private central bank, which is the FEDERAL RESERVE, from crashing our economy!

"A system of capitalism presumes sound money, not fiat money manipulated by a central bank. Capitalism cherishes voluntary contracts and interest rates that are determined by savings, not credit creation by a central bank." -Ron Paul
Control our borders, stop illegal immigration, and stop giving handouts to current illegal immigrants!

The U.S. government refuses to control our borders and gives handouts to millions and millions of illegal aliens including: welfare, food stamps, housing assistance, free medical care and social security. This creates an incentive for illegals to enter our country. Ron Paul vows to stop giving handouts to illegals and secure our borders!.

"I don't want us to worry about the borders between North and South Korea and between Iraq and Syria, I want to worry about our own border.." - Ron Paul.

Eliminate government Invasion of Our PrivacyHYPERLINK \l "habeas corpus + privacy video"- War has beenHYPERLINK \l "habeas corpus + privacy video" declared against the American people.

The government wants every American to register for a national ID card and can now legally wiretap your phone and internet use without a warrant!

"I am absolutely opposed to a national ID card. This is a total contradiction of what a free society is all about. The purpose of government is to protect the secrecy and the privacy of all individuals, not the secrecy of government. We don't need a national ID card". - Ron Paul.

Stop the foolish war on drugs!

The "war on drugs" is a losing battle and has put tens-of-millions of non-violent Americans in prison giving America the highest prison population in the world.
Doesn't sound like the land of the free afer-all, does it?.

Legalizing drugs will make drugs lose their street value thus ending the stealing and killing that drug dealers cause. We need to work to help those that are addicted to drugs, not kill them or throw them behind bars!

The losing drug-war has cost taxpayers billions while lining the pockets of government backed cartels!

"You want to get rid of drug crime in this country? Fine, let's just get rid of all the drug laws." - Ron Paul.

Preserve the 2nd amendment and the right to bear arms!

Allow law-abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms so honest Americans are able to defend themselves and stop being victims! Our forefathers fought for this country using guns. Taking away guns from law abiding citizens turns us into victims and makes us less safe, not more!

"Prohibiting guns on campus made the Virginia Tech students less safe, not more." -Ron Paul.

Contributing source: ( Paul on the Federal Reserve)