Here is the Securities and Exchange Commision filing that shows that not only is DelMonte owned by the Ultra-Rich Arab family, the Abu-Ghazaleh, but they have incorporated Del Monte in the Cayman Islands to AVOID PAYING UNITED STATE TAXES.

This should piss every one of us off...........Liberal AND Conservative since DelMonte does not practice human rights on its plantations, avoids paying United States taxes that YOU have to pay, and has the illegal workers working for 8 hours a day chopping pineapple and bananas here in North Portland while standing in water at 35 degrees to preserve the fruit.

I don't know about you but I'll be boycotting DelMonte just like I'm boycotting Chiquita Banana which just got a $20,000,000 fine from the Bush Administration for donating millions to South American terrorist groups.

I'll get my postasium elsewhere