LA Daily News - Political firestorm erupts in Washington after California wildfires

Political firestorm erupts in Washington after California wildfires
BY LISA FRIEDMAN Washington Bureau
Article Last Updated: 10/25/2007 11:10:38 AM PDT

WASHINGTON - Raging blazes throughout California are sparking a political firestorm in Washington, where House Republicans are trying to douse a vote on children's health insurance.

Seven California GOP lawmakers are in the state today, touring wildfire damage and working to help evacuated constituents. And they are blasting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for holding a contentious vote in their absence

that would expand the State Children's Health Insurance Program.

"The Democratic leadership is once again showing that they only care about scoring political points," said Rep. Jerry Lewis, R-Redlands. "They are showing a blatant disregard for the people we are elected to represent and are trying to help."

Republicans made several attempts this morning to block the bill from going forward, forcing three procedural votes that would have sent lawmakers home for the week. All three attempts failed.

In addition to Lewis, six other California Republicans are in their districts today, including Reps. David Dreier, R-Glendora, Elton Gallegly, R-Thousand Oaks and Ken Calvert, R-Riverside.

Pelosi and other Democrat leaders argued that the absence of seven Californians will not change the outcome of the vote. They also noted that critical votes were held in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina even though several lawmakers flew home to address the disaster and were unable to participate.

"We all understand how important it

is for members to be home with their constituents. But that doesn't' mean that we don't continue with the work of government," Pelosi said.
She contended that California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who supports expanding the children's health insurance program, personally urged her to go forward. In a phone call about the fires, she said, Schwarzenegger asked her "How are we doing on SCHIP?"