. . . means in the next four years or less we are guaranteed an amnesty for the 20 million illegals in the US right now.

Here are a couple of likely effects of this:

1. There are instantly 20 million prospective liberal Democrat voters.

2. The 20 million new citizens immediatly begin sponsoring their extended families and at least 20 million more new prospecitve liberal Democrat voters are created when they become citizens.

Don't these seem to be likely effects of an Obama Presidency?

If so, this brings some other questions to mind:

Won't this create a voting juggernaut that can't be stopped?

Doesn't this turn the USA into virtually a one party political system for the forseeable future?

Doesn't this mean the Open Borders Lobby will achieve their NAU objective?

I don't know about you, but I find these prospects to be very frightening and disturbing.