Writers note: This article was written for Fire Society three years ago

It's amazing to me that people like Harry Reid, Carl Levin, Joe Biden, and the rest of their ilk don't know the gravity of the war on terror. The war on terror is GLOBAL!!! Terrorists attacks have occured in Iraq, Afghanistan, London, Spain, Indonesia, Africa, the USA on 9/11, the Phillipines, India, etal. The situation in Iraq is confined to an area in and around Baghdad. The rest of the country is flourishing. The global war on terror is going to last a long, long time. A pullout from Iraq doesn't mean the war is over. In fact it would mean that that one particular battle victory would go to the enemy. Territory given up in the withdrawal, which is just another cover-up word for retreat, becomes theirs. We cannot and should not retreat.
Hillary Clinton, another peripatetic picayune individual says if she's elected president she would put an end to the Iraq War. "Billary", it's not the Iraq War. It's part of THE WAR ON TERROR IN IRAQ!!! What you say sounds good, madam, and I know you'll say anything to get elected, but it just won't happen. The war on terror will continue well after the battle in Iraq is over. Losing or pulling out of Iraq is not an option militarilly. Since the above mentioned dunderheads know nothing of military stratedgy they should allow the military to conduct "war-enforcement" and work on getting this country back from the disputatious course they've taken it.
In both parties quest for power and to administer to the country, they've forgotten We, the People. They need to put aside personal agendas, greed, and their lust for power and take care of this country which is slowly crumbling under the pressure from both ILLEGAL and legal aliens. For Christ's sake the ILLEGAL ALIEN who floats in on a make-shift raft, pays coyotes to smuggle them across the southern border, cuts fences and trespasses on private US citizens properties, procures fake visa and/or identification papers, steals American citizens identities, has no regard for the law, and cares little or nothing about our culture, heritage, flag, the rule of law, or our sovereignty has access to more of our welfare system than We, the People do!! And lastly, most are THREE TIME FELONS!!!
So I say to these pawky individuals in Washington, let the troops take care of "war enforcement" and get down to business of cleaning up the mess that you've made of this country in the last 40 years.
It's time to circulate petitions calling for term limitations( which congress voted to never allow in 1994, shouldn't We, the People vote on that?), on all congressional members and the resignations of anyone that has held a seat in the House and Senate for more than 20 years. This would allow the constant insertions of fresh ideas into a government that has become passe with stale individuals it allows to continue to steer this country in a direction of collapse.
This country is being carved up like a spiral ham on Super Bowl sunday. Nobody waits for a plate. Just grab a slice, gobble it up, and come back for more. It's time for one slice per reprresentatives, senate and house, and then they have to eat something else not as tasty.
So, have a good many, not just one, and keep on keeping on. Or, as Jerry Garcia so aptly stated it, "Keep on truckin'".

"A foll is only a fool if he continues to act foolish".......JHK