Greetings , i've been looking for a place where i can talk about the threat illegal immigration poses to our nation , and i'm happy to now call this place home ....

i come from arizona so i can see first hand how we are affected by the problem ..... While many in the media call us racists , i want the entire world to know that i don't have a racist bone in my body .. i truly don't care what the outside of your bodies look like ... it's of no concern to me ...

What i AM concerned about is making sure that americans are getting the services that their tax money is paying for ...too many people are taking a free ride at the expense of US citizens , and here in arizona we have 300 K unemployed americans , right now i'm betting that if we can remove the 500 K that are here illegally , jobs JUST might open up ; )

below is the transcript of my youtube video called "A call to action SB 1070 " for those of you who prefer to read ...

The Debate over illegal immigration has ended, it ended the moment the US economy went into a serious depression and unemployment rose to ten percent it ended the minute that yet another American citizen was shot and left to die in the desert , it ended the second that Arizona's state budget finally broke from the expense of a never ending flood of humanity

Our stand is resolute , our commitment unwavering , we have hardened our hearts to a house guest who never leaves and an entire segment of the population that takes far more than it contributes ..

Let it be clear and remembered that at no time was any promise ever made by our nation or state that those who came would be welcomed for all eternity .. These men and women knew the risks and they understood the consequences of illegal entry into our homeland They stayed at our leisure and they shall now leave at our direction Let no honest patriotic American cry tears for them , there should be no gnashing of teeth or beating of breasts for those who attempted to take what was not given .

This issue will drag into the sunlight the allegiance of all Americans to their country and one another .. Today we will look around us and see our nation for what it is , compromised by those seeking power , compromised by those whos love for self , or family is put higher than their love for country

all Americans should unite , Black , White , Asian , Hispanic , Native American , Islanders , Arabs , Indians , unite as one people , as one nation , and reaffirm those vows and laws which have continued our way of life We will cast out those who seek only to further their own interests at the expense of all Americans , those who would divide us in order to destroy us , we will hunt them down . Those who forsook their allegiance to the American public and today stand with the economic invaders shall not be forgotten , you will be brought before justice , brought before the eyes of this nation for your betrayal .

Charges of racism must be confronted wherever they arise , we must stare our accusers in the eyes and let them see only their own shame , their own cowardice mirrored back at them .. I will stand before you proudly exclaiming my love for this great country and the laws upon which it was founded let calls of racism bounce off of me as rain upon a roof or as wind against a mountain hollow and weightless

There is no trial which I am unwilling to endure for the name of freedom , for the sake of liberty and our continued way of life

What must be done here is clear , raise up your heads and harden your heats to that task which is NECESSARY to preserve our nation , clear your minds of doubt , hesitation or fear and act , act for your country , act for your brothers and mothers , your fathers , your teachers , your co workers , your friends , act for every American living without hope ,living without the dream of being able to support themselves through their own endeavors !!! ACT NOW!!!!!!! ACT NOW!!!!!!!!!!! ACT !!!!!!!!