The madness never ends. It seems like every step forward only leaves us 10 steps behind. We have already seen the United States change, press one for english two for spanish, you must be bilingual and apeak spanish to get employed etc. Millions of employed illegals and millions of unemployed citizens. Illegals come first! Illegals matter!

There are tons of groups and people supporting illegals at every step of the way and completely ignoring the legal citizens and our rights. It's always about the hispanics, the latinos, the illegals and what they want and need. Our own laws are not enforced. Our own people are struggling and suffering and who cares? our own government is against us!

It is no wonder so many people are complacent and do and say nothing. It is overwhelming to get beaten over and over again to no avail.

There are times where I am literally sick to my stomache having to face this constantly. There are times I cannot sleep because my mind is not at peace and I know I am not alone.

Please someone, give me some good news. Tell me that we can make a difference. I can't afford to move to another country to escape this. I havn't had a job since 2008. I have no medical coverage. And all I ever see are illegal immigrants having their every need met with sympathy to boot.